The city of the future: how the multi -tier metropolis lives, where trains drive in houses

05 February 2025, 02:51 | Finance and Banking
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A stunning multi -tier metropolis Chunzin in China is also called " There is a complex urban planning system: many houses and infrastructure objects are located between the Cool Mountains and the valleys, creating the impression of a city erected at several levels. About this writes the publication The Mirror.

Cult City Square Kuisin Plaza is a vivid example of unique architecture. On the one hand, it is only two floors above the road, and on the other, it rises to 22 floors. Such complex multi -layer makes the Google Maps functionality useless, since many routes are vertical and are superimposed on each other.

On social networks, residents of the city often publish curious fragments of their daily trips to work. Some begin their way on the 18th floor, descend to the 12th, which is considered zero, and then move to another building at the same level, where it is indicated that this is the 8th floor.

Another obligatory location for visiting is the railway station " Obviously, city planners accidentally approved two options at the same time, as a result of which an unusual object appeared.

The city also boasts the deepest in the world, the Hongyancun metro station, which is located at a depth of 116 meters under the surface, which is equivalent to a 40-story building. Due to significant depths, passengers spend from 10 to 15 minutes to get to the platform, using several escalators.

With the onset of the night, Chunzin becomes the city of the future, where all houses envelop neon lights, leaving visitors fascinated by their radiant radiance.

Recall that earlier Focus wrote about the village of Kriche on the edge of the Derven (England) valley, which became a real magnet for tourists. The village seemed to stop in the village. There you can see incredibly luxurious landscapes, trams of all shapes and sizes, historical buildings, as well as ride on attractions.

But a bizarre house of 56 meters attracts tourists to visit the forest near the town of Talketna, which is in Alaska (USA). The landscape that opens from there is amazing urban researchers and lovers of interesting architectural objects.

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