In Europe, Coca-Cola recalls drinks due to chlorine in banks: what numbers of a dangerous batch

Yesterday, 01:04 | Finance and Banking
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Checking the contents of several Coca-Cola cans from the plant in Belgium showed an ultra-high level of chlorine, which is used in production, among other things, for washing bottles. When the substance enters the human body, it causes health problems. About what the European branch of the company is doing to protect consumers, and about the numbers of toxic parties, wrote media Sky News.

Coca-Cola recalls a batch of drinks that are sold in Europe, Media reported. Inside the tin cans and glass bottles with drinks Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Fuze Tea, Minute Maid, Nalu, Royal Bliss and Tropico found the substance chlorat. It was previously established that the poisonous party fell into shops of six European countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK, Germany, France and Luxembourg. To find out if it is safe to use a drink, you should look at the lower part of the jar, at the neck or label of the bottle. Dangerous production codes - from 328 GE to 338 GE.

Media wrote that the poisonous party comes from the factory in Belgium. Moreover, dangerous drinks in glass bottles and cans. The inspectors found an “excessively high chlorate content” inside. Manufacturers could not name the size of the party, which is called out of the outlets of Europe. At the same time they assure that they do everything so that they do not get to consumers.

" We do not have an accurate figure, but it is clear that this is a significant number, ”commentary commentary to the Belgian representative office Coca-Cola European Partners Belgium.

Chlorate - a by -product of chlorine -containing products that are used in production. The purpose of such means is to wash the bottles and water purification. When this substance enters the human body, it causes iodine deficiency, warned on the Sky News portal. On the other hand, a comment has appeared the French representative office Coca-Cola.

They assured that "

On the portal and social networks of the Ukrainian representative office of Coca-Cola have not yet been found statements on the situation with chlorate in banks with drinks.

Note, earlier Focus wrote about the toxic products that got into Ukraine. For example, in the fall of 2023 it was about mandarins from Egypt. The audit showed that the content of pesticides in fruits exceeds the norm by 33 times.

We remind you that in January, the publication Live Science spoke about the super -wise food that could kill a person.

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