Bronovsky Zoo (United States of America) offers an unusual service. Visitors can name Madagascar cockroaches after an ex or ex, writes Newsroom.
For a $15 " For extra money, visitors can receive gifts such as a fanny pack, a stuffed animal or a virtual encounter with a live cockroach and chat with experts.
This tradition was launched by the zoo in 2011. More than 56,000 cockroaches have been named since the beginning of the program. Thousands of people from all over the world have named Madagascar cockroaches from the Bronx Zoo after friends, family, loved ones and exes. Some previous names were inspired by music, movies, pop culture.
We add that the Bronovsky Zoo is located on 265 Acre of Deciduous Forest in Bronx, New York, opened on November 8, 1899.
He is known throughout the world with his protection of animals, as well as the formation and protection of nature.
Note that many people keep cockroaches at home. For example, the Madagascar cockroach is loved for its unusual hissing and ease of care.. However, it is important not to plant couples together, because they multiply very quickly.
We would like to add that cockroach particles were recently found in ground coffee.. Coffee drinkers may accidentally ingest small insect particles, which may cause allergies in some people..