In Ukraine, from January 2025, all subsidies and utility benefits will be provided according to uniform rules and only to those families whose total income does not allow them to pay for utilities on their own. The exception was retained only for combatants and persons with disabilities as a result of war. According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, previously some preferential categories received utility benefits regardless of family income. Now they will apply a single approach for everyone. In particular, during 2025, benefits for housing and communal services for all recipients will be provided according to a unified approach, that is, taking into account the average monthly total family income. This provision is provided for in the Law “On the State Budget for 2025”. It should be noted that since 2015, the majority of Ukrainians from preferential categories have received benefits for housing and communal services according to this principle. However, for some categories they were provided without taking into account family income.
" Moreover, if the family applied for benefits from January 1. 2025. , her right to receive benefits taking into account the total family income will also be determined from January 1, 2025. But if the family received benefits before December 31, 2024. inclusive, changes in purpose will be applied at the end of the heating season 2024/2025. "
The rule on a unified approach to recording family income will not apply to combatants and persons with disabilities as a result of war. For them, the approaches to providing benefits do not change. In addition, on January 17, the government supported the draft Law, which proposes to encourage those citizens who receive monetized (in monetary equivalent) benefits to direct these funds specifically to pay for housing and communal services.
“So far, unfortunately, not all consumers receiving benefits adhere to this principle. In particular, from 01. 08. 2024 More than 17 thousand beneficiaries, who have already accumulated a debt of 52.7 million hryvnia, applied to the Pension Fund of Ukraine for benefits to pay for housing and communal services.. That is, people received funds to pay for housing and communal services, but spent them on other needs. This led to an increase in debts to critical infrastructure enterprises,” the Ministry of Social Protection notes..