Dragged by the tail: a wild coyote was pulled out of a refrigerator with elite cheeses in a store

17 January 2025, 00:57 | Finance and Banking
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On Monday morning, January 13, a wild animal caused chaos in a supermarket in the northwest part of Chicago.. This was reported by ABC7 TV channel..

Video posted on social media shows an animal control officer and a police officer armed with mops trying to remove a coyote from an open dairy refrigerator..

In the end, the animal was pulled out by the tail, but the coyote quickly rushed back into the refrigerator.

“I was ready to see a possum or a raccoon pulled out, but I didn’t expect to see a coyote,” the author of the video commented on the results of the “hunt.”.

One of the witnesses to the incident noted that she saw the animal wandering around the parking lot, but somehow, a few minutes later, the coyote was already in the refrigerator with selected cheeses in the grocery section of the store.

As it became known, the predator was eventually caught, and after assessing the animal’s condition, it may be returned to the wild.

Animal rights activists note that coyotes are especially active from January to March as mating season begins and people see them more often..

It is possible that in an attempt to avoid meeting a person, the animal tried to hide, thus ending up inside the store.

Recall that a resident of the city of Coatzacoalcos in Mexico took pity on a tiny puppy she saw on the street and took the animal home. After some time it turned out that this "

Focus also wrote that a woman swimming in a pond was attacked by an angry capybara. The world's largest rodent has a reputation as a cute and friendly animal..

Based on materials: abc7chicago.com

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