The man and his wife were not allowed on the plane: the carrier’s explanation is shocking

11 January 2025, 18:02 | Finance and Banking
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Abriella Monroe, 32, said she planned to go on vacation with her husband Sebastian, but the couple was not allowed on the plane due to problems with her husband's passport.. British tabloid Daliy Star writes about this.

Journalists write that minor damage was found in the man’s passport and therefore the woman was allowed to board, and her husband was removed from the flight. In response, the woman said that she was also getting off the plane because of her relationship with her loved one..

Ms. Monroe says that when they went through customs control and were in the duty-free zone, and there Sebastian showed his passport, there were no comments on his documents. However, just before boarding, she was told that the man did not have the appropriate document..

" My husband also used his passport to exchange some money at the airport while sitting in duty-free. His passport was accepted and there were no problems,” the woman says.

Further, she was surprised when they talked with the control officers, they were explained that according to the law, a passport is considered invalid if it has mechanical damage, inscriptions or other traces that affect personal identification or do not facilitate its use.

When the disabled woman and her husband heard about this, they were shocked. They immediately left the boarding area and left the airport, believing that they should have been stopped in advance at pre-flight check-in..

The couple is now planning to sue Ryanair for violating passenger rights.. The carrier told reporters that the removal of Abriella and her husband from the flight was legal, because Sebastian's passport was torn on the identification page.

Earlier it became known that the passenger opened the plane door because of a quarrel with a girl. A man on board a JetBlue plane broke the emergency exit and tried to leave the cabin during a heated argument with his girlfriend over her cell phone..

It was also reported how the plane was delayed due to passengers being late, and a woman in the cabin showed her reaction and became famous. After sharing this story on TikTok, Jessie received a number of controversial comments from netizens. As it turned out, not all viewers supported her position.

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