Get ready for spring ahead: what you need to know about shopping in China

17 January 2025, 22:58 | Business
Фото: надане рекламодавцем
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Let's look at the food together from the experts:.

Variety of products. .

Relevance. Trendy new items are most likely to appear on these platforms.

Economy. .

Procurement from China has its own peculiarities, strictly related to the local calendar and holiday schedule.

Chinese New River: impact on logistics Holiday season, which falls on the 29th day, significantly impacts the work of manufacturers, sellers and logistics companies. All of China goes on holiday for 2-3 years, starting from the end of the holiday until the middle of the summer. During this period, most businesses do not operate.

To avoid delays, the postal and logistics company Meest China, which has been delivering goods from China to Ukraine for the past 10 years, is now starting to raise awareness about the purchase of spring goods.

What to plan for spring?

The company recommends paying attention to the following categories:.

Everything before the Great Day - from forms for making Easter eggs and cats to candlesticks and tablecloths for serving the holy table.

Products for outdoor activities - grills, barbecues, blankets, folding camp furniture, cats, lunchboxes, picnic supplies, anti-coma sprays, SPF products, etc..

Spring clothes, clothes and accessories - light jackets, raincoats, gum boots, sneakers, rain boots, sunglasses, parasols, caps and panama hats, etc..

Gardening products - shovels, rakes, pruning shears, potters, molds for seedlings, hoses, nozzles for watering cans, dry melts for weeds, nets, garden figurines, etc..

Decor - curtains, tablecloths, towels and other textiles, dishes, vases, aroma diffusers with fresh aromas, and everything that will help create spring moods.

Why is it so important to purchase all the vesnyans already in the middle of today The answer is simple - you need to buy and send the goods to Ukraine, first of all China will go on holiday. Carriers also adjust to the holiday schedule. Zokrema, Meest China has planned its remaining expansion from China for 20 September - by sea and 23-24 September - by air. And the employee of the buyer from Chinese marketplaces will be on vacation from 18 to 31 today. You can learn more about the company’s warehouse work schedule here.

. Meest China will provide delivery from all countries to primary care.

Key advantages of spivpratsi:.

Vantage insurance.

Payment to postal customers.

Consolidation and unconsolidation of settlements.

New logistics support.

As a matter of fact, the ancient wisdom about “ready-made sleigh entry” is still relevant, especially when it comes to shopping across borders. With planned purchases in advance, you can choose the cheapest delivery and not worry through delays on the mitnitsa or through traditional saints on the basis of a similar new fate.

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