In Kiev, they will begin to fine for unharvested snow

11 December 2017, 23:53 | Business
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To clean up the consequences of yesterday's snowfall in the capital, 468 units of snow-removing equipment and about five thousand people engaged in clearing roads, sidewalks, yards and driveways. This was announced by the deputy chairman of the Kyiv city state administration (KCSA) Petr Panteleev. "The technique worked all night. Not only road maintenance workers came to clean the snow, but also services for keeping greenery, ZhEKov, "said Panteleev. According to him, by the morning there were still a lot of comments on the cleaning of the territories, fixed for both departments and private organizations. "Order in the city is now monitored by 70 inspectors for improvement.

I remind you that they have the right to fine the owners of the territories for the untimely snow removal in the amount of 1800 UAH, "stressed Panteleev. He specified that in this case it is a question of both state institutions and residential, including private houses. "Therefore, we ask everyone to take responsibility responsibly to creating opportunities for people to travel and transport," said the deputy head of KSCA.

Original article: In Kiev, they will begin to fine for unharvested snow.

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