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News for: 20 january 2024 in category:  

Gut bacteria: a new approach to treating type 2 diabetes

New approaches include the use of intestinal bacteria to combat this disease, which is innovative in the field of gerontology and endocrinology.
Health 20 January 2024, 16:22 (

Drowsiness after taking hedgehogs: Potential causes and importance of investigation Drowsiness after taking hedgehogs: Potential causes and importance of investigation
For the rich, this becomes a ritual, but sometimes drowsiness after taking it can indicate more serious health problems.
Health 20 January 2024, 13:06 (
What is wrong with living on an empty boat: Health is in the hands of the right food What is wrong with living on an empty boat: Health is in the hands of the right food
It is important to remember that certain products can damage the boat if it is empty. For example, sour fruits and fruits can cause unpleasant re...
Health 20 January 2024, 13:05 (