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News for: 15 february 2023 in category:  

Phytotherapy for urinary problems

In the menopause, due to the fading of ovarian function, women experience problems with the bladder, manifested by increased urge to urinate, urinary incontinence (urine is excreted in small portions with little stress: coughing, laughing, jumping, runnin...
Health 15 February 2023, 23:06 (

Honey diet: minus 6 kg for the minimum period Honey diet: minus 6 kg for the minimum period
If you are a sweet tooth and you find it difficult to endure any diet without desserts, this diet is designed just for you.. Honey " On this diet...
Health 15 February 2023, 21:51 (
About scarlet fever to parents About scarlet fever to parents
It is difficult not to notice scarlet fever in a child, but how to distinguish this disease from other childhood infections? How does scarlet fev...
Health 15 February 2023, 19:43 (
Phytotherapy for sexual disorders Phytotherapy for sexual disorders
Anorgasmia is one of the varieties of frigidity, when after intercourse there is a feeling of heaviness in the genitals, and the expected orgasmi...
Health 15 February 2023, 17:37 (
Phytotherapy for mastopathy Phytotherapy for mastopathy
Mastopathy is a seal of various shapes and sizes in the mammary gland.. The reason for the development of mastopathy is hormonal changes in the ...
Health 15 February 2023, 12:24 (
How to reduce the risk of a stroke: chotiri factors How to reduce the risk of a stroke: chotiri factors
Stroke - the most severe damage to the blood supply to the brain. If the blood ceases to endure the sour to the clitin, the stench will mend the ...
Health 15 February 2023, 00:28 (
Chocolate masks, scrubs and baths Chocolate masks, scrubs and baths
They not only make the skin amazingly tender and fresh, relieve fatigue, normalize blood pressure, but also cheer up.. Chocolate is rich in vitam...
Health 15 February 2023, 01:04 (
Stem cells can regenerate the spinal cord Stem cells can regenerate the spinal cord
Using experiments, scientists have proved that stem cells restore the human spinal cord without additional treatment and surgical intervention, a...
Health 15 February 2023, 01:02 (
Five myths about healthy eating, in yakі you dosi virite Five myths about healthy eating, in yakі you dosi virite
On the Internet, you can find a lot of information about healthy eating. However, not all of it is true.. Therefore, it is important to be carefu...
Health 15 February 2023, 04:39 (
Phytotherapy for endocervicitis Phytotherapy for endocervicitis
Endocervicitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. Occurs when various bacteria enter the mucous membrane of the cer...
Health 15 February 2023, 07:00 (
Phytotherapy for headaches and migraines Phytotherapy for headaches and migraines
Headache is a symptom of many diseases, according to Pannochka, an online publication for girls and women aged 14 to 35.. net It can occur at any...
Health 15 February 2023, 07:16 (
Masks for oily skin and hair Masks for oily skin and hair
We bring to your attention recipes for cosmetics for oily skin and hair.. They can be easily prepared at home and use only natural products.. Fo...
Health 15 February 2023, 11:23 (