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News for: 25 april 2022 in category:  

Iron in the diet

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common disease that can be caused by a nutrient deficiency, according to Pannochka, an online publication for girls and women aged 14 to 35.. net Most often, iron deficiency anemia occurs among children and women of chil...
Health 25 April 2022, 23:56 (

Yogurt Prevents Type 2 Diabetes Yogurt Prevents Type 2 Diabetes
Harvard scientists call for clinical trial to test yogurt for type 2 diabetes prevention. The fact is that their preliminary work revealed a dec...
Health 25 April 2022, 22:58 (
How dangerous is the heat for the elderly How dangerous is the heat for the elderly
A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that older adults are hospitalized for serious illnesses such as k...
Health 25 April 2022, 22:37 (
What can language say about health What can language say about health
What can language say about our health?. You can learn to correctly recognize diseases with the help of even the most unexpected organs.. “Open ...
Health 25 April 2022, 19:42 (
Summer berries can heal for the whole winter Summer berries can heal for the whole winter
Of course, summer is a wonderful season, which, due to fresh and healthy products, allows us to diversify and enrich our diet.. However, a person...
Health 25 April 2022, 16:26 (
Fahіvtsі rozpovіl, scho vzhivannya olії spryає prodovzhennuyu youth Fahіvtsі rozpovіl, scho vzhivannya olії spryає prodovzhennuyu youth
Fahіvtsі rozpovіl, scho vzhivannya olії spryає prodovzhennuyu youth. It is possible to increase the triviality of youth with the help of the surv...
Health 25 April 2022, 15:21 (
4 afternoon drinks 4 afternoon drinks
After a delicious meal, dessert isn't your only option - a drink could very well be a much better choice.. These drinks aid digestion, often thr...
Health 25 April 2022, 14:05 (
Benefits of iron during pregnancy Benefits of iron during pregnancy
Benefits of iron during pregnancy. Iron during pregnancy ensures the normal functioning of the body of the mother and baby. Iron contributes to t...
Health 25 April 2022, 13:59 (
Turkish bath hammam Turkish bath hammam
Everyone has heard about the benefits of a bath, but it can be quite difficult to choose a suitable bath due to individual characteristics.. The ...
Health 25 April 2022, 01:23 (
How to make teeth whiter without harm to health How to make teeth whiter without harm to health
We figure out whether whitening toothpastes are effective, how exactly teeth whitening occurs and how much participation of a doctor is required....
Health 25 April 2022, 02:04 (
Sprat of products is less likely to harm etching Sprat of products is less likely to harm etching
Qi kіlka produktіv is less likely to harm your pickling. Deyakі products є shkіdlivimi for etching. Fast food, malt and other fats, as it is com...
Health 25 April 2022, 09:28 (
Like wondrous changes you will see with your body, like you will see in your body Like wondrous changes you will see with your body, like you will see in your body
Like wondrous changes will be with your body. Why varto speed up the life of a kawi, how to transmit Internet publication for girls and women fro...
Health 25 April 2022, 11:30 (
12 Foods to Fight Cholesterol 12 Foods to Fight Cholesterol
If you're already eating heart-healthy foods, keep going.! But if the idea of \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bhealthy eating came to you recently, you w...
Health 25 April 2022, 12:29 (
How to restore teeth How to restore teeth
Our teeth are attacked from all sides: poor-quality food, beriberi, bad habits, and even the unfavorable environmental situation in the city.. Be...
Health 25 April 2022, 13:17 (