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News for: 19 december 2022 in category:  

Home scales with fat analyzer

Many of us often begin to think about the amount of our excess weight and how to deal with gluttony.. There are several ways to do this. The most common of these is the calculation of the body mass index, which will require a lot of time and difficult cal...
Health 19 December 2022, 22:03 (

The Ministry of Health has clarified how to undergo a DNA examination for the investigation of the dead and the dead The Ministry of Health has clarified how to undergo a DNA examination for the investigation of the dead and the dead
In order to conduct a DNA examination for the sake of the dead, it is necessary to turn around for the place of your residence at the police stat...
Health 19 December 2022, 21:50 (
Named important reasons to change chicken for healthy teeth Named important reasons to change chicken for healthy teeth
Who knows a lot, that the chicken is robbing the mind of a person who is not fresh, and it negatively affects the color of the teeth. Lіkar Oleks...
Health 19 December 2022, 16:46 (
Green tea improves metabolism and uplifts antiquity Green tea improves metabolism and uplifts antiquity
Green tea has less caffeine and is softer, lower in caviar.
Health 19 December 2022, 17:09 (
Hundreds of quiet, who survived after a heart attack, knew that they had a few products a year before the attack Hundreds of quiet, who survived after a heart attack, knew that they had a few products a year before the attack
All who are alive described their remaining intake before the heart attack as "
Health 19 December 2022, 18:39 (
Why is stress at work dangerous? Why is stress at work dangerous?
Hard work can change how the body stores fat, leading to high cholesterol and even heart disease.. According to Spanish scientists, stressful si...
Health 19 December 2022, 20:53 (
How to understand what the liver “hurts” and why this can happen How to understand what the liver “hurts” and why this can happen
Liver disease can be caused by a variety of causes, from a viral infection to an overly rich diet.. The liver is called the “silent organ” becaus...
Health 19 December 2022, 01:55 (
Scientists explain why being overweight shortens life Scientists explain why being overweight shortens life
Scientists explain why obesity and overweight shorten life. As Fraza journalists found out, the study was conducted by employees of Yale Universi...
Health 19 December 2022, 01:53 (
Can cause negative consequences: such products are not varto їsti in great cultures Can cause negative consequences: such products are not varto їsti in great cultures
Іsnuyut zhivnі produkt, yakі can still do harm to the body, yakshcho live too rich. It is important to remember about balanced eating and buti be...
Health 19 December 2022, 05:19 (
Expert opinion: TV kills Expert opinion: TV kills
They used to say that movement is life. And now more and more often we hear from doctors that we need to take care of ourselves, have more rest. ...
Health 19 December 2022, 06:05 (
The first signs of a deadly disease appear in the eyes The first signs of a deadly disease appear in the eyes
The retina hides a lot of additional coded information, experts from South Korea say. Scientists will be able to diagnose a deadly disease in th...
Health 19 December 2022, 10:36 (
Coronavirus can be transmitted after death Coronavirus can be transmitted after death
Coronavirus infection can be saved in the bodies of the dead, if the virus is alive before infection, it is also saved.
Health 19 December 2022, 13:58 (
New cancer therapy New cancer therapy
Specialists from the Max Planck Institute (MPE), after long studies, came to the conclusion that plasma either inhibits the reproduction of cance...
Health 19 December 2022, 15:09 (
The doctor told why before going to bed it is useful to eat a spoonful of honey The doctor told why before going to bed it is useful to eat a spoonful of honey
The product is rich in vitamins C, B, E, K and a large number of trace elements.
Health 19 December 2022, 15:30 (
There is a link between lovemaking and cellulite There is a link between lovemaking and cellulite
Scientists call the cause of cellulite streptococcal bacteria, which can be sexually transmitted, according to Pannochka, an online publication f...
Health 19 December 2022, 00:12 (
Like products better not to live in the evening Like products better not to live in the evening
Someone who loves to treat yourself to nothing with savory tastes, pro-implantation of certain products can harm your health.
Health 19 December 2022, 00:29 (