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News for: 12 september 2021 in category:  

The right foods can help you get pregnant

The right foods can help you get pregnant. Selenium is a natural antioxidant found in protein-rich foods. The most famous sources of selenium are meat, seafood, nuts.. And they play an important role in terms of female fertility, researchers at the Unive...
Health 12 September 2021, 16:23 (

Why does the lower abdomen hurt? Why does the lower abdomen hurt?
If we feel pain in the lower abdomen, we know what to do - take painkillers.! The most wrong decision, because you need to know the cause of the ...
Health 12 September 2021, 03:34 (
Five causes of childhood obesity Five causes of childhood obesity
The problem of childhood obesity is currently relevant all over the world. Why are many children prone to obesity Causes of childhood obesity1. ...
Health 12 September 2021, 02:30 (