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News for: 27 may 2021 in category:  

Symptomatic treatment of sore throat

It is known that antibiotic therapy in many cases of sore throat of viral and even bacterial etiology is of little or ineffective. In most patients, symptoms of the disease disappear after 7-10 days, regardless of whether they were prescribed antibiotics...
Health 27 May 2021, 19:23 (

BBC: The version of the laboratory origin of covid becomes one of the main BBC: The version of the laboratory origin of covid becomes one of the main
US President Joe Biden instructs intelligence agencies within three months to deal with the origin of the Covid-19 virus.
Health 27 May 2021, 12:41 (
Chest pain: doctor s advice Chest pain: doctor's advice
Painful sensations in the chest occur in almost every person, not inferior in frequency of headache, abdominal pain, as reported by the Internet ...
Health 27 May 2021, 08:26 (
Russians were named poverty-programming habits Russians were named poverty-programming habits
According to her, the inner critic is an early primitive defense of man.. From birth, a so-called "
Health 27 May 2021, 04:00 (