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News for: 26 may 2021 in category:  

The United States is confident that the new coronavirus appeared at the beginning of 2019

Three employees of the Chinese Institute of Virology Wuhan could have been the first to contract COVID-19 back in November 2019, US intelligence reported.
Health 26 May 2021, 16:35 (

The first batch of Pfizer vaccine purchased from the state budget arrives in Ukraine The first batch of Pfizer vaccine purchased from the state budget arrives in Ukraine
On Wednesday, May 26, at the Kiev airport named after. Sikorsky at 10:25, the plane arrives with the first 170,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine purcha...
Health 26 May 2021, 08:53 (
Abdominal pain in chronic diseases Abdominal pain in chronic diseases
Abdominal pain, indigestion, heartburn, and indigestion are common conditions that often manifest as nonspecific abdominal discomfort. This pain...
Health 26 May 2021, 03:30 (
Anti-Mullerian hormone: how to increase its level Anti-Mullerian hormone: how to increase its level
Many patients are interested in the question of how to increase the anti-Mullerian hormone, which refers to indicators of reproductive health, be...
Health 26 May 2021, 05:42 (