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News for: 30 january 2021 in category:  

Coronavirus "

Researchers are confident that their discovery will help defeat not only the coronavirus, but also any possible pandemics in the future today.
Health 30 January 2021, 20:56 (

Basic nutritional rules for effective weight loss Basic nutritional rules for effective weight loss
Important information for those looking to lose weight. If you think that you can lose weight only if you reduce the number of servings consumed ...
Health 30 January 2021, 06:31 (
Research: clove extract may help improve blood sugar control and prevent diabetes Research: clove extract may help improve blood sugar control and prevent diabetes
Cloves are the aromatic buds of an evergreen tree, Syzygium aromaticum. This powerful spice is found in both whole and chopped forms and is a ver...
Health 30 January 2021, 03:22 (
Scientists have discovered why some people are not susceptible to COVID-19 Scientists have discovered why some people are not susceptible to COVID-19
A group of scientists from the United States managed to determine the real reason why many people were able to avoid infection with the new coron...
Health 30 January 2021, 03:20 (
Hyperthyroidism. Part 1 Hyperthyroidism. Part 1
Negative nitrogen balance is characteristic of hyperthyroidism. The elements of the reticuloendothelial system do not show a tendency to fat depo...
Health 30 January 2021, 01:17 (