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News for: 12 january 2021 in category:  

Swallowed fish bone can turn into cancer

Surely everyone knows cases when a harmless fish bone, stuck somewhere in the throat, led to the death of a person. It is very difficult to find a focus of inflammation and such patients are usually treated for completely different diseases..
Health 12 January 2021, 07:30 (

Away from varicose veins Away from varicose veins
Prevention of venous diseases is something everyone should do, especially women over 40. Especially if there are risk factors: poor heredity for ...
Health 12 January 2021, 06:24 (
Fear of a venereologist: advice Fear of a venereologist: advice
50% of the adult population visit a venereologist only when necessary or when obvious health problems appear. Statistics show that only half of ...
Health 12 January 2021, 04:17 (
What in ordinary life prevents you from losing weight? German nutritionist explains What in ordinary life prevents you from losing weight? German nutritionist explains
In everyday life, people are prevented from losing weight and even contributing to weight gain, chronic lack of sleep, lack of exercise, lack of ...
Health 12 January 2021, 03:14 (