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News for: 11 november 2018 in category:  

Coffee prevents the development of type 2 diabetes

Diabetologia has published a study that coffee consumption reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.. Previous studies have shown that drinking a few cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of diabetes, and each successive cup increases this advantage...
Health 11 November 2018, 20:54 (

Proper nutrition: a guarantee of health Proper nutrition: a guarantee of health
Most people on the planet are well aware of what proper nutrition is, but somehow they cannot use this system in practice to regain their strengt...
Health 11 November 2018, 13:29 (
Beautiful and easy five-minute meditation Beautiful and easy five-minute meditation
Meditation is not only a scientifically proven way to cope with stress that is detrimental to health and relationships with other people..
Health 11 November 2018, 01:02 (
Fruit peeling: light breathing of renewed skin Fruit peeling: light breathing of renewed skin
Fruit peeling is the right means for deep cleansing of the skin, its rejuvenation and return of the lost radiance.. There are many types of peeli...
Health 11 November 2018, 01:02 (