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News for: 19 april 2017 in category:  

There was a new free OS. Not Linux

In the network appeared the image of the first working version ToaruOS - operating system written from the ground up a group of independent developers. According to the creators, ToaruOS 1. 0 is stable and ready for use. The system is written in C, its ow...
Technologies 19 April 2017, 23:17 (InternetUA)

Сумська кіберполіція радит батькам берети дітей від  полунички  і шарахїв Сумська кіберполіція радит батькам берети дітей від "полунички" і шарахїв
Abi escaped from the negative nalldikiv perebuvannya in the Internet-spacious pidrostayuchogo pokolovannya, komsobi kiberpotseysykі proponuyut ba...
Technologies 19 April 2017, 22:27 (InternetUA)
Best browsers 2017 Best browsers 2017
Browser - one of the most important programs on the computer of a modern user. Given this, the number of browsers today is increasing almost in g...
Technologies 19 April 2017, 20:43 (InternetUA)
The share of Cisco in the market for collaborative solutions is growing three quarters in a row The share of Cisco in the market for collaborative solutions is growing three quarters in a row
Analyst company Synergy Research Group conducted a study of the global market for IT solutions for collaboration. Cisco continues to strengthen t...
Technologies 19 April 2017, 20:39 (InternetUA)