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News for: 10 december 2020 in category:  

Scientists have named another symptom of COVID-19

People with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 noted that at an early stage of the disease they felt not only weakness, fever and loss of smell.
Science 10 December 2020, 12:20 (Корреспондент.net)

People with malocclusion are more likely to experience cancer and diabetes People with malocclusion are more likely to experience cancer and diabetes
People with a malocclusion are at increased risk for a range of diseases, including cancer, diabetes and heart attack. This is reported by scient...
Health 10 December 2020, 09:08 (
Coronavirus enters the body through the eyes? Coronavirus enters the body through the eyes?
\? - asks the German edition Frankfurter Rundschau. - Ophthalmologists have studied whether the eyes are the "
Health 10 December 2020, 02:23 (