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News for: 12 september 2024 in category:  

A famous Ukrainian warrior presenter spoke about Potap and the escaped men: “I won’t shake hands”

The artist also spoke about his daughter and his ex-wife abroad.
gossip 12 September 2024, 23:35 (ТСН.ua)

At home, the Ukrainian actor underwent surgery and wondered what happened: “It’s not easy” At home, the Ukrainian actor underwent surgery and wondered what happened: “It’s not easy”
The actress admitted why she needed surgical treatment.
gossip 12 September 2024, 18:59 (ТСН.ua)
Irina Gorova declassified how her daughter works behind the cordon and why Potap’s son is choking Irina Gorova declassified how her daughter works behind the cordon and why Potap’s son is choking
The producer shared the achievements of her children.
gossip 12 September 2024, 00:21 (ТСН.ua)