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News for: 18 july 2024 in category:  

The mysterious Klavdia Petrivna revealed her face for the first time: the name of the singer who is hiding under the mask

The performer became the new heroine of Tina Karol's author's project.
gossip 18 July 2024, 20:35 (ТСН.ua)

Olya Polyakova showed up in a swimsuit and was stolen from Monaco Olya Polyakova showed up in a swimsuit and was stolen from Monaco
The actress has decided how to spend an hour.
gossip 18 July 2024, 12:58 (ТСН.ua)
Viktor Pavlik’s squad in Moldova was called by the police: “I’m going to destroy this country” Viktor Pavlik’s squad in Moldova was called by the police: “I’m going to destroy this country”
Also, the blogger got through the parking lot in 26 days.
gossip 18 July 2024, 08:23 (ТСН.ua)