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News for: 16 july 2020 in category:  

MELOVIN gave the first concert after quarantine

The artist's performance took place in Odessa.
gossip 16 July 2020, 23:31 (ТСН.ua)

Jamie Oliver, 45, has a fifth miscarriage Jamie Oliver, 45, has a fifth miscarriage
Spouses do not give up hope to have a sixth child.
gossip 16 July 2020, 20:17 (ТСН.ua)
Lyudmila Barbier showed her mom on her birthday Lyudmila Barbier showed her mom on her birthday
Leading vacation combined with the celebration of a special holiday.
gossip 16 July 2020, 19:11 (ТСН.ua)
Pregnant Ilona Gvozdeva touched with sensual pictures with her husband Pregnant Ilona Gvozdeva touched with sensual pictures with her husband
Dancer published pictures from a tender family photo shoot.
gossip 16 July 2020, 19:10 (ТСН.ua)
The star of the series  The star of the series "
Galin Gorg was to be 56 years old.
gossip 16 July 2020, 15:59 (ТСН.ua)
Emily Ratakovsky in a mini bikini excited the imagination of fans with a beach shot Emily Ratakovsky in a mini bikini excited the imagination of fans with a beach shot
The star published a photo of relaxing on the beach.
gossip 16 July 2020, 09:23 (ТСН.ua)