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News for: 11 october 2018 in category:  

Alexander Pedan revealed his secret to a happy marriage

On this day fifteen years ago, Alexander Pedan and his wife Inna got married. The presenter of the New Channel spoke about their “crystal” anniversary in his social networks, where he thanked his wife for his daughter Leroux and his son Mark. We took the ...
Show Business 11 October 2018, 22:24 (

Leader of the “Bach” Grigory Reshetnik celebrated the eighth wedding anniversary Leader of the “Bach” Grigory Reshetnik celebrated the eighth wedding anniversary
8 years ago, 10. ten. 10, in Ivano-Frankivsk, leading the popular project "Bachelor" Grigory Reshetnik tied the knot with journalist Christina Re...
Show Business 11 October 2018, 18:27 (
Sergey Pritula revealed the sex code of his last name Sergey Pritula revealed the sex code of his last name
On the set of the show “Who is against blondes? ”The most rated TV presenter of Ukraine, Sergey Pritula, told what it means to“ gravel in the wal...
Show Business 11 October 2018, 15:32 (
Zhenya Kot used the forbidden element on the show “Tatsі s zirkami” Zhenya Kot used the forbidden element on the show “Tatsі s zirkami”
Michel Andrade and Zhenya Kot danced a passionate rumba in the seventh live broadcast of the project “Tantsі z zirkami-2018”. Zhenya, as an expe...
Show Business 11 October 2018, 15:17 (
A participant of the “Top models in Ukrainian” told the whole truth about his orientation A participant of the “Top models in Ukrainian” told the whole truth about his orientation
Every fan of the “Top models in Ukrainian” can interview his pet and ask even the most provocative questions.. This opportunity falls during an o...
Show Business 11 October 2018, 13:47 (
Enrique Iglesias spoke frankly about intimate life with Anna Kournikova Enrique Iglesias spoke frankly about intimate life with Anna Kournikova
December 16, 2017, the spanish singer Enrique Iglesias and tennis player Anna Kournikova were born to the wonderful twins Lucy and Nicholas. Upo...
Show Business 11 October 2018, 12:03 (