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News for: 12 august 2017 in category:  

Russian government nominated former German Chancellor as director of Rosneft

Russian authorities nominated Gerhard Schroeder as new independent director of Rosneft. Currently he heads the Nord Stream AG shareholders committee.
Policy 12 August 2017, 21:48 (УРА-Информ)

The largest in Ukraine passport service was opened in Kiev The largest in Ukraine passport service was opened in Kiev
Today, August 12, in Kiev, in the test mode, the biggest in Ukraine service was opened, where you can get a biometric passport and issue an ID-ca...
Kiev 12 August 2017, 19:24 (УРА-Информ)
Ukraine reacted to the blocking of the Kerch Strait by Russian invaders Ukraine reacted to the blocking of the Kerch Strait by Russian invaders
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine sent a note to Russian colleagues in connection with Moscow's unilateral decision to limit the movemen...
Policy 12 August 2017, 01:36 (
One killed, six wounded. Synopsis of ATO One killed, six wounded. Synopsis of ATO
The past 24 hours in the area of ??the ATU ended with the next intensification of Russian-occupation groups along the entire line of demarcation....
Policy 12 August 2017, 10:19 (
The air pollution in Kiev is twice higher than the norm The air pollution in Kiev is twice higher than the norm
The heat and pollution level will remain in the capital until the end of this week.
Kiev 12 August 2017, 13:22 (Корреспондент.net)
On Lobanovsky there was an accident: a pedestrian died On Lobanovsky there was an accident: a pedestrian died
On the capital's street Lobanovsky there was a serious accident.
Kiev 12 August 2017, 15:50 (УРА-Информ)
A large-scale road accident on Bandera Avenue in Kiev A large-scale road accident on Bandera Avenue in Kiev
Six cars fell into an accident, one person was seriously injured.
Kiev 12 August 2017, 00:35 (Корреспондент.net)