Media: Two American legionnaires were captured near Kharkov

16 June 2022, 01:15 | Incidents
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Two American legionnaires, former soldiers who came to Ukraine to “help” Ukrainian militants, were captured near Kharkov, writes The Telegraph on June 15.

Alexander Dryuke, 39, and Andy Hyun, 27, were captured.. According to the publication, “both were captured during a fierce battle near Kharkov”. The incident happened last week.

The fact that they were captured, their colleagues concluded, not finding the body after the battle.

In addition, they saw in Telegram that two Americans were captured - this information was considered indirect confirmation.

Druke is originally from Tuscaloosa, Alabama and previously served in the US Army in Iraq.. His mother, Lois, 68, told the publication that he struggled to keep a job after returning from military service as a result of post-traumatic stress disorder.. Hyun was born in California but lived in the Tennessee Valley region of Alabama.. He previously served in the US Marine Corps..

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