Explosions reported in Lviv and Ternopil regions

14 June 2022, 16:12 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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Explosions are reported in the Lviv and Ternopil regions, residents of these regions are urged to stay in shelters.

Lviv region: " Stay in hiding! The alarm is still ongoing,"

The mayor of Lviv, in turn, informs that the sounds of explosions are heard in the Lviv region, but the city is quiet.

" According to preliminary information, air defense is working. Quiet in Lviv. Stay in hiding! "

Ternopil region: the mayor of Ternopil Serhiy Nadal confirmed the information about the explosions.

" Take care of your safety,"

Subsequently, the head of the Ternopil OVA Volodymyr Trush addressed the residents.

" Official information only on my channels and military administration. We will report everything later, stay in hiding,"

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