Up to 560 civilians remain at Severodonetsk Azot

14 June 2022, 12:10 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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As of the morning of June 14, from 540 to 560 civilians remain at the Severodonetsk Azot association.

This was announced on Facebook by the head of the Severodonetsk city military-civilian administration Alexander Stryuk..

“There are about 540 people on Azot, possibly 560. There are certain reserves of food, water.

Mass evacuation is not possible at this moment, but in the intervals between shelling we carry out the so-called " So, all three bridges across the Seversky Donets have been destroyed, but there are ways of connecting the city with the controlled territory,” Stryuk stressed..

There are almost continuous shelling of Ukrainian positions, street fighting continues, the situation is very dynamic, so it is impossible to say exactly which part of the city each side controls.

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