APU eliminated about 32.5 thousand. Russian occupiers - General Staff

14 June 2022, 11:31 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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Russia has already lost 32,500 soldiers, 1,434 tanks and 3,503 armored fighting vehicles in the war of conquest in Ukraine.

Total enemy combat losses from 24. 02 to 14. 06 tentatively amounted to:.

personnel - about 32,500 (+200) people liquidated, tanks? 1,434 (+2) armored fighting vehicles? 3,503 (+11) units, artillery systems - 721 (+3) units, MLRS - 229 (+3) units, air defense systems - 97 (+0) units, aircraft - 213 (+0) units, helicopters - 179 (.

The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Bakhmut direction.

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