The National Police blocked the withdrawal of assets of almost 7 thousand. pro-Russian companies

14 June 2022, 00:59 | Incidents
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The National Police blocked the withdrawal of assets of almost 7 thousand. pro-Russian companies. This was stated by First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Yevgeny Enin on the air of the All-Ukrainian telethon.

“The struggle continues on the economic front, where the forces of the National Police units prevail. In particular, the Department of Strategic Investigations, Combating Economic Crimes and Financing of Terrorism by Russia and does not allow legalization of structures associated with Russia or Belarus.

Literally over the past two months, more than 7 thousand. residents who had economic relations with the Russian Federation or Belarus, which prevented the withdrawal of funds in the amount of up to UAH 200 billion to these countries. As part of this large-scale work, assets totaling about UAH 21 billion were seized. We launched a preemptive strike against the Russian oligarchs by seizing the securities of their banking institutions for a total of 12 billion. hryvnia,” said Yevgeny Enin.

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