In Melitopol, Russian invaders offer Ukrainians to join the Russian army

09 April 2022, 15:47 | Incidents
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In the occupied Melitopol, Zaporozhye region, the Russian military offers Ukrainian men to join the ranks of the Russian army.

This was stated by the mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, on the joint air of Ukrainian TV channels..


Since yesterday, at checkpoints that are located in the vicinity of Melitopol, the Russian invaders have been offering Ukrainian men, our residents, to join the ranks of the Russian army. If they refuse, they let them go. But we clearly understand: today they offer, and tomorrow they will forcibly issue a machine gun and send it to the trenches,"

Ivan Fedorov also said that 8 buses for evacuation were confiscated in the city - and as of 8 am they are still not there, people are waiting for evacuation.

According to the mayor, the occupiers create a "

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