During the day, the invaders shelled Kharkiv about 50 times

09 April 2022, 14:09 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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Yesterday, April 8, the occupiers delivered about 50 strikes from artillery, mortars, tanks and MLRS. The infrastructure of Saltovka, Kholodnaya Gora, Alekseevka and KhTZ districts suffered.

About this writes "

“Over the past day, the Russians were intensively shelling Dergachi. Damaged buildings of the hospital, dispensary, residential buildings.

There were no casualties,"

According to Sinegubov, the Izyum direction remains difficult.

“The Russians are trying to bypass Izyum, the positions of our army and concentrate their troops in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which will strengthen their military presence there.. But thanks to our Armed Forces of Ukraine in these territories, the enemy really suffers heavy losses of equipment and manpower every day,” said the head of the Kharkiv region..

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