Russia may return to Sumy region, we are preparing a "

09 April 2022, 11:32 | Incidents
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A significant number of Russian troops are located near the border with Ukraine in the Sumy region. The threat of the next entry of the enemy army remains quite serious.

This was stated by the chairman of the regional military administration Dmitry Zhivitsky in an interview with DW.

" We have one of the largest borders with the aggressor country. This is 564 kilometers, and it is extremely problematic to control such a section,"

At the same time, the head of the UVA spoke about active measures to strengthen defense in the region and promised a "

" But we don't recommend them..

Checkpoints and strongholds are being strengthened, and we understand that in the coming years, even if we quickly win the war, if there is no political and ideological change in Russia, then we cannot remain at rest,"

The Chairman of the Sumy OVA emphasized the need to build the "

" That is, such a set of technical structures that it was impossible to enter here. There should also be a serious air defense system. Because the fact that our cities are bombarded and shelled from the air is a serious problem.. We can't be sure it won't happen again,"

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