TikTok user fined €500 in Estonia for inciting violence against Ukrainians

09 April 2022, 11:24 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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In Estonia, the police fined a man from Narva 500 euros for inciting hatred and calling for violence against Ukrainian citizens on the social network TikTok.

Delphi reports..

The case was reported to law enforcement by a “vigilant person,” the report says..

Proceedings were initiated against the man, he was fined 500 euros.

According to the head of the Narva police department, Indrek Puvi, the police react strongly to cases of inciting hatred, incitement to violence and the use of symbols that support aggression..

" People who incite violence, threaten or use military symbols should be aware that such actions can be provocative and endanger public order,"

He stressed that the police continue to pay close attention to inciting hatred and the use of military symbols of the Russian Federation..

In March, the Estonian government approved amendments to the criminal law, which will punish the use of enemy symbols in support of Russian aggression against Ukraine..

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