The Russian military destroyed the Chernobyl archive

09 April 2022, 07:52 | Incidents
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Russian troops destroyed the long-term archive of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, according to Energoatom.

Chairman of the Public Council under the State Agency of Ukraine for the Management of the Exclusion Zone (GAZO) Oleksandr Syrota wrote on Facebook: " What we have been collecting for decades, some *urva just threw it in the trash"

Almost all office premises in buildings in the Chernobyl zone were significantly damaged, broken and completely plundered, GAZO reports.. the Russians stole not only the property of state-owned enterprises, but also the personal belongings of employees at their workplaces. A modern analytical laboratory worth 6 million euros was looted and destroyed in Chernobyl. It was a unique complex with powerful analytical capabilities and could provide services at any stage of radioactive waste management, as well as at the stage of research and development of technologies, Energatom notes..

Regarding the radiation background, it is too early to draw general conclusions, they should launch the ARMS system (if it is possible, there was no detour of the sensors yet) in order to rely on facts, "

It is extremely dangerous to visit the Chernobyl zone and stay in it, experts say because of the consequences of the presence of Russian armed forces there.. There are big radiation risks, explosive threats and logistical obstacles.

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant was captured by Russian troops on the first day of full-scale aggression - February 24.

On March 31, Russian troops, who seized the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other facilities in the exclusion zone, set off in two columns towards the Ukrainian border with Belarus.

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