At the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, they were able to partially replace the personnel who were held hostage by the Russians

27 March 2022, 14:27 | Incidents
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At the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, captured by the Russian military, it was possible to carry out a rotation of personnel who were held hostage by the occupiers from the first day of the war.

This was announced by the mayor of Slavutych, Yuri Fomichev, on the air of a nationwide telethon.

" For 26 days, all station workers were held hostage there. We managed to partially replace people so that they returned to their families.

We found volunteers - they are real heroes, like those who were there at that time. But this is already a conscious decision of people: to go to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, realizing that it could be for a long time.

We have constant dialogues to rotate more often. So that it is not 20 days, but at least half as much and even more often. There is no talk of a full restoration of the system of work and replacement of personnel, but negotiations are ongoing on a more frequent rotation,"

Periodically there is a connection by fixed phones with those who are at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The station has a stock of Ukrainian products imported before the war, Fomichev said..

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