Kadyrovites "

27 March 2022, 07:24 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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Chechen soldiers from the so-called Kadyrov regiment sell Ukrainians data on the movement of Russian troops. The day before, this information helped the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminate a group of enemy scouts near Kyiv, including 8 people and two armored vehicles..

About this writes "

“As the guys from the front told me, the coordinates of the movement of the reconnaissance group were given to them by Ukrainian volunteers.

The route was the same. Volunteers themselves do not hide the fact that they buy them from Kadyrov's people, through Internet contacts.. Payment is made in bitcoins. The price is ridiculous. Less than 400 dollars for a van came out. I am publishing this with the permission of my interlocutors, ”said Goncharenko..

According to him, despite the high-flown statements of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov about the devotion of the Chechens to Russia, his soldiers betray the Russians.

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