There is nothing to fight: the Russians are "

27 March 2022, 00:05 | Incidents
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Russian occupying troops are losing combat capability and necessary equipment. In this regard, they put into operation tanks that are in poor technical condition..

It is reported by "

“In connection with the need to replenish losses, the invaders are carrying out covert mobilization and removal of equipment from long-term storage..

Thus, in order to replenish individual units of the 4th Panzer Division from the 1st Panzer Army, the T-72 tanks were removed from long-term storage.. According to available information, the equipment is in an extremely unsatisfactory technical condition and dismantled, ”the message says..

In addition, Russia carefully hides the real losses of personnel and equipment, and tries to convince its own population of the planned achievement of all the goals set by the armed forces of the Russian Federation..

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