Occupants forcibly evacuate thousands of residents of Mariupol to Russia, buses for evacuation in Zaporozhye are blocked

24 March 2022, 14:41 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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The Mariupol City Council announces the forced removal of thousands of Mariupol residents to the territory of Russia, about 15 thousand local residents fell under illegal deportation, more than 6 thousand people have already been taken to the Russian Federation.

\! Residents of the Levoberezhny district are being massively exported to the territory of Russia. In total, about 15 thousand Mariupol residents fell under illegal deportation. This is about half of all residents who are still in the Levoberezhny district,"

According to the City Council, the occupiers in an ultimatum form are forcing people already exhausted by the war to get on buses. There is also evidence that the Russian military is taking away people's passports and other Ukrainian identity documents..

" To date, it is known that about 6,000 Mariupol residents have already been forcibly taken to the territory of the occupier,"

Also, the Mariupol City Council informs that over the past 20 days, the invaders have blocked the evacuation convoy and do not allow people to be safely rescued. " Obviously, this is done only to prevent people from returning to the territory controlled by Ukraine.. Despite the fact that this is exactly what the residents of the Ukrainian city want,"

https://t. me/mariupolrada/8987.

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