In the Nikolaev region and over Kharkiv, cruise missiles of the invaders were shot down

24 March 2022, 09:30 | Incidents
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In the Nikolaev region, the Ukrainian military managed to shoot down another rocket of the Russian invaders.

It is reported by the head of the Nikolaev OVA Vitaly Kim.

According to preliminary data, the Ukrainian military managed to destroy the Russian cruise missile.

It is reported that it is likely that the missile was shot down thanks to MANPADS. The video shows that the rocket fell into the field and crumbled.

https://t. me/mykolaivskaODA/812 In addition, a cruise missile was also shot down over Kharkiv around 20:00, Air Command Vostok told Suspilny.

It is noted that anti-aircraft missile units worked.

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