When trying to penetrate Kharkov, an enemy DRG was eliminated

20 March 2022, 12:10 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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The invaders inflicted 38 artillery, mortar strikes and shelling from the MLRS in Kharkiv in a day: these are the districts of Saltovka, Tsirkuny, KhTZ, Dergachi.

This was announced by the head of the Kharkiv OVA Oleg Sinegubov.

He noted that thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russians have significantly reduced their presence in the sky over Kharkov.. "

Sinegubova also said that this morning the Ukrainian military stopped an attempt to enter the city by Russian units of sabotage and reconnaissance groups.. " But our fighters defeated the invaders,"

" In addition, the Ukrainian army near Izyum liquidated a colonel, deputy head of the engineering troops of the Western Military District of the Russian Federation,"

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