US confirms Russian use of hypersonic missiles against Ukraine - CNN

20 March 2022, 01:45 | Incidents
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US officials confirm Russia fired hypersonic missiles against Ukraine last week.

According to European Pravda, American productions told CNN on condition of anonymity.

According to them, this was the first known example of the use of such missiles in combat.. The US was able to track launches in real time, sources say..

According to US officials, Russia's use of hypersonic missiles could be used both to test these weapons and to "

It is noteworthy that in the Russian Federation only on March 19 they announced the use of these weapons..

In particular, the Russian Defense Ministry stated that the Russian military used hypersonic missiles of the Kinzhal complex to destroy underground military personnel in western Ukraine..

According to Russian media, Kinzhal is an aviation complex with a high-precision hypersonic aeroballistic missile. Created on the basis of the modernized long-range fighter-interceptor MiG-31 - MiG-31K.

According to the Russian military, it is capable of hitting targets at a range of more than 2,000 km, while being guaranteed to overcome all existing and developed air and missile defense systems..

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