Invaders shelled Kharkiv more than 50 times in a day

16 March 2022, 16:06 | Incidents
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Over the past day, Kharkiv was shelled more than 50 times by Russian invaders.

This was announced by the head of the Kharkiv regional military administration Oleg Sinegubov.

“During the day, Russian troops inflicted more than 50 strikes on the districts of Kharkov.

At night there was a missile attack on one of the squares of the city. In general, since the beginning of active hostilities, the enemy has used cluster bombs, vacuum bombs, cruise missiles and Iskander..

Sinegubov added that the humanitarian headquarters distributed 17 wagons and two trucks of food, clothing and medicine per day..

The region is counting on the opening of a " To date, Russia has not agreed on the “corridor”, the evacuation of civilians is expected tomorrow.

https://t. me/synegubov/2652.

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