The number of victims of a missile attack on a TV tower near Rivne increased to 19

15 March 2022, 12:54 | Incidents
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Rocket strike of the occupying troops on a television tower in. Antopol near the city. Exactly on Monday morning, at least 19 people died, said the head of the Rivne Regional Military Administration, Vitaliy Koval..

" The operation to unblock the rubble continues and as of 8:30 this morning we have 19 dead and 9 injured... This is not the final figure yet. We are working, there are only a few hours left and we will unblock the entire littered territory,"

When asked if there were random people among the dead, or if they were all employees of the broadcasting center, the head of the regional administration replied that "

According to him, at present there is access to satellite and cable broadcasting throughout the Rivne region..

Koval also said that the Rivne region is currently playing the role of a humanitarian hub, a transit sorting station.

" Some cars come with medicines, some with food,"

The head of the regional administration also said that approximately 2,000 internally displaced residents of Ukraine from other regions currently remain in the Rivne region.. “There are places, we have deployed more capacities for exactly several tens of thousands of places in order to receive our fellow countrymen from other regions... Many of them stay for several days, and then move, but there are also those who stayed for a long time. The nice thing is that many who are already looking for jobs, get a job at our enterprises... Arriving men are registered with the military registration and enlistment offices,"

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