About 600 residential buildings destroyed in Kharkiv due to constant shelling by occupiers - Terekhov

15 March 2022, 00:43 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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Approximately 600 residential buildings were destroyed from shelling by Russian invaders in Kharkiv. This was announced by the mayor of the city Igor Terekhov.

According to him, these houses cannot be restored, so people have actually lost their homes.. Also in Kharkiv, 50 schools and a number of medical facilities, including maternity hospitals, were bombed..

“We have to relocate, transport people, deliver aid. We also organize hot meals, provide people with medicines, in particular insulin. We control the situation in the city,” Terekhov said..

According to him, now the main task is to save people's lives and stop the war.. During a conversation with Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago, Terekhov emphasized the need to close the sky over Ukraine.

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