Russian Defense Ministry announces new missile strikes on Ukraine

15 March 2022, 00:32 | Incidents
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The Russian Ministry of Defense says that new strikes will soon be inflicted on Ukrainian defense industry enterprises and "

The ministry accused Ukraine of hitting a " At the same time, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine stated that the missile that hit Donetsk on the morning of March 14 is clearly Russian..


We urge citizens of Ukraine working at these enterprises, as well as residents of nearby residential buildings, to leave potentially dangerous zones,"

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation also stated that they would mercilessly strike at the locations of supposedly foreign mercenaries..

" Targeted strikes will continue to be carried out against them, similar to the destruction on March 13 of training centers in the village of Starichi and at the military training ground Yavorovskiy... There will be no mercy for mercenaries, wherever they are on the territory of Ukraine,"

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