In the Kherson region, water police rescued a family that capsized on a jet ski

18 July 2021, 03:11 | Incidents
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Yesterday, July 16, while patrolling the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Azov Sea at a distance of about 2 kilometers from one of the recreation centers, officers of the water police of the Kherson region noticed in the water people who turned over on a jet ski and could not reach the shore.

This is reported by "

The jet ski got water and did not start, said Maxim Zharkov, head of the water policing sector of the Kherson city police department.

The husband and wife and their daughter had been in the water for some time and could not reach the shore on their own.. The police raised the family on board a service boat, and the floating craft was towed to the shore.

The police handed the jet ski to the owner and held a preventive conversation with him to prevent such situations.

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