Russian troops fired on residential sector of Maryinka

09 May 2021, 14:38 | Incidents
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Russian occupation troops fired at civilian infrastructure from artillery - residential sector of Maryinka, the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports.


The invaders are no longer hiding shelling of settlements from barreled artillery and mortars, "

Yesterday, May 8, at 19. 05, the Russian occupation troops fired 6 shells from the MT-12 Rapier cannon, 100 mm. Maryinka. The invaders fired from the settlement of mine Trudovskaya on the outskirts of Donetsk. As a result of the shelling, six residential buildings and a local resident's car were damaged. One of the shells exploded a few meters from the house, and only thanks to a happy coincidence, none of the residents was injured.

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