The Ministry of Culture answered the Kyiv City State Administration about the prohibition of events on the occasion of the Secon

09 May 2021, 03:23 | Incidents
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The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy states that it did not prohibit the holding of events on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation and the Day of Victory over Nazism in World War II in Kiev. Moreover, the department noted that they had already let all the equipment into the territory of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in World War II..

This is reported by "

The department emphasized that they did not give any verbal bans on these traditional events, which were previously announced in the Kyiv City State Administration.

Also, the MKIP said that yesterday they received a request for events from the Kyiv City State Administration, and decided to gradually let the equipment into the territory of the facility, "

The ministry expressed concern that the capital's officials did not try to find out the reasons for the sequential omission of equipment, because the installation of the scene was already started at 12:00.


The Ministry of Culture accused the Kyiv City State Administration of trying to provoke a conflict, however, according to the department, they are not determined to interfere with the holding of events.

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