Fatal accident happened in Kharkiv

09 May 2021, 02:18 | Incidents
photo glavnoe.ua
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In Kharkiv, on Tyurinskaya street, an accident occurred, as a result of which a 70-year-old woman died.

This was reported in the press service of the regional police.

A 30-year-old Dodge Journey driver hit a woman who was crossing the street outside a pedestrian crossing, police said. The driver braked, but the accident could not be avoided. The collision occurred before the pedestrian crossing, indicated by road markings and road signs. Doctors who arrived at the scene of the accident, ascertain the death of a 70-year-old woman.

The issue of entering information into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations on h. 2 st. 286 (violation of traffic safety rules or vehicle operation by persons driving vehicles) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

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